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Scheduling your OnlyFans posts comes with its own challenges, creators could use some help. Does a creator use a spreadsheet, or a schedule to schedule their posts? As a creator had recently posted asking for advice on when and how they should schedule their posts. The replies came fast with plenty of detailed advice.
One of the creators, who was really inspiring, responded with a crash course on the particulars of posting, such as the hows and when’s of posting. The creator recommends to just start shooting content of “different concepts” with whole shooting days scheduled throughout the week. Each concept is shot as a one off, throughout one shooting day. They recommend to take “spontaneous” photographs as well, with their phone and have professional photos done with photographers, that they mix in with their phone pictures, to keep the content fresh. Keeping the content fresh is important, and an easy way to do so is to keep creating different content for each day. The response  recommends that an easy way to do come up with fresh content daily is to come up with different names, or a theme for each day. To keep it fun, come up with names like “feet friday, messy monday, humpday, tiddy tuesday” “feet Friday, fetish Friday, foot Friday” and so on “to get a rhythm going”. That way, even if you do the same “theme” every week, it is easy to manage and come up with captions.
They advise against just going for it by jumping right in, because it is just too much to shoot so much content all at once. You need some kind of plan, in order to have levity with your schedule, and the free time to create original and engaging content. You should go for it, but you definitely need a plan. They advise on having a plan in order to be able to sustain and regulate your content. Otherwise, it is just a staggering amount of content that you are creating, without any direction.
The creator gives an example, from their experience, such as taking thirty photos in your favorite outfit, that you should not post all of the photos all at once, but rather space them out to three to six posts. Five to ten photos of the original thirty post set can be scheduled to be posted once a week. Consistency is the key to scheduling your posts. Spacing out your posts weekly and mixing them in with your daily posts will keep your content fresh. Scheduling posts in this manner, makes for fresh and interesting content, which “gives you more content and less work,” according to the creator’s advice.
By following this method, is like having your posts on automatic, scheduling two to three months in advance if you want. It does not take a lot of work, but it is advisable to only schedule up to one to two weeks before “not to get to ahead” of yourself. That advice really resonated with the original poster, wherein the replies kept coming, with more advice on getting started, such as doing “a content weekend”.
During those two days just really shoot all the content that you would post through the next couple of weeks, which leaves you time to just take impromptu selfies, lingerie, sexy selfies etc to post as they happen. This method of posting keeps things fresh and natural. On “content days”, the advice is to shoot in different areas of your house wearing various outfits on the first day, then on the second day schedule, your posts, for the coming weeks. Another experienced model had suggested, using the scheduling feature in OnlyFans.
There has been lots of buzz recently about OnlyFans. How does it work? What is the “chatter” about OnlyFans? So, a creator recently decided to post an “OnlyFans 1 on 1” to answer all these questions, and more.
Basically, “OnlyFans Chatter” is all about interacting with the subscribers of OnlyFans models, on their behalf, and administering the communications that they receive and managing the sales aspect as well.
The post goes on to describe that the content that is featured is adult in nature, and so the job of administering an OnlyFans model’s account entails engaging with adult themes. The creator also brings up salary, chatter is not much in terms of payment, but it has its rewards. The pay for “chatter” on OnlyFans varies and it is based on traffic such as subscriptions, engagement with the content by fans and the model and/or agency.
The base pay rate is from between one to three dollars per hour. On top of the base payment is the amount of commission that can be earned. The creator advises to ask for more pay for model promotion and outreach, as that is definitely not part of the job description.The in and outs of earning Commission based on how much is generated through sales is further discussed in the post, with some key points, such as the three types of commission rates that are available.
Two percent commission for all sales made, which is the lowest percentage base, two percent commission for every subscription that is paid or renewed, again the base is the lowest out of the base percentage and finally, the total sales at the end of the month. The creator goes on to further explain that any one of the above rates of pay, or all of them may be offered for the job.
Citing the skills required for the job of chatter as “multitasking, sales, strong communication skills and comfort with sexual content” the creator also goes into further detail about the communication side of this job. The communication skills required are for oftentimes “unscripted” conversations, sometimes with a script. You will be engaging in “dirty talk” and have to outgoing and “naturally flirty”. This is an unregulated job and comes with the attached risks.
The model advises to be careful when looking for a chatter job. Scams and issues with not being paid is part and parcel of this unregulated job. At the end of the day, being an OF chatter is an adult entertainment job, and thus is not for everyone. Good tips to remember, is to “always prioritize your safety and wellbeing” if you choose to engage in this job. The advice on taking on the job of chatter, is to do it part time, because the industry is described as “shaky” and as such is really hard to do as a full time job. A key piece of advice about what kind of pay to expect for chatter for a high earning model with a profile that sees a lot of traffic, is that anything less than five dollars for base pay is  too low and to recommends asking for a higher base pay.
Experienced professionals recently gave their suggestions on the query “what is your most successful strategy for promoting your OnlyFans?” We were there for it!
A creator is asking for advice on how to promote their OnlyFans. Asking if they should promote it on social media as well as strategies for doing so. The suggestions came strong and fast. One popular method to promote OF is to do auto dms on X or Reddit by using auto reply software. Models recommended phantom buster, for auto DMs on X and that they tried it out as a free trial.
Some models use twtools.eu which was also repped for creating auto X DMs. Others seem to swear by offering “promo deals” which can build a substantial base of subscribers that is sustainable, but is not so profitable, from the beginning. Many OnlyFans models really rep X and other platforms for finding their subscribers.
Offering free pics on X and sending mass DMs, is the way to go. An OF model, confided that she gained eight subscribers from Reddit in one day. The most effective way to gain subscribers is to never offer fully nude or explicit teasers, but rather cover up with hands, or clothing and even stickers.
Never show everything, nudes are only offered with subscriptions. Seems smart!
Offering samples and promotions is the way to build up your fan base steadily, then make exclusive, good quality content consistently, be interactive and the subscribers will stay and renew their subs. for the full price. Subforums like subreddit are also noted as a good strategy for promoting OF. Some models do not advertise on X because of their day job, while others suggest having a separate X account for promoting their NSFW OF content.
IG reels are another way to go for promoting OnlyFans. Subreddit forums are described as “built-in targeting” because the audience “is high intent”. With promoting OF on social media comes the challenge of managing all of those posts, so an automated scheduler is recommended, like fangrowth.io. Most agree that the most successful strategy for promoting your OF is to be really active on Reddit, by posting comments, making friends and engaging with content, sharing your profile.
Collabs with other creators on platforms such as CollabDates can maximize engagement and gain new followers, build a steady base of followers and increase revenue on OnlyFans. This is possible because CollabDates allows for sharing multiple links at the same time for maximum exposure.
Men are advised to market to gay men to gain more subscribers. There seems to be a consensus that posting on subreddits is the best way to promote your Onlyfans. Another approach, as shared by one of the OF models on the subreddit, was that she asked her new subs that if they shared where they came from, she would give them a free pic, and they said Reddit. On her first day promoting content on Reddit, she gained many subs. X, Reddit, subforums and instagram reels are really the way to go for promoting OnlyFans for models.
Many models tried promoting on Tumblr, but that sites recent porn ban gets their posts instantly flagged. Tumblr used to be amazing… le sigh.
Consistently posting is the key to success.
A content creator, who is an OnlyFans model, shares how in her first month alone she has reached 240 paid subscribers. She shared, how much “success” she has after just starting out on OF, her first month “surpassed” her own expectations.
Sharing how she promoted, with no followers or karma points on Reddit or related social media platforms. She only promotes on a few selected platforms, and that seems to be the way to go, for promoting new OF accounts.
The model contributes, that she only shares topless promotional content, with no face, just a shot of her lips. Seems legit.
The OF model advises that the best way to promote an OnlyFans account is to be consistent, sharing that that she posts at least ten to fifteen times per day. She advises to actually post on various forums that are niche and specific to your body type, and to focus on that instead. Another piece of advice is to get “creative” with the posts by using interactive methods, such as questions to get more engagement.
Do not use the same question under each post and picture, but rather, come up with new questions. Interactions with users such as answering comments that you get on your posts is always a good idea, and a way to “show off your personality”. Be “sexy, funny and cute” to promote your posts and to promote engagement.
Some subreddits have karma requirements, so if you are promoting on there, then you would have to comment on your posts anyway, in order to boost your karma coins.
What you should not do, is post the same picture often as it is a turn off to possible subscribers and can look like spam. Have a post pinned to your profile about your Onlyfans. Definitely get verified on big subreddits and turn off your DMs, so chatting is only for subscribers. The redditor shared how she only had twenty pictures on her OnlyFans, and a promotional three dollar sale going on. She noted how many people were not eager to subscribe, because she did not have that much content.
Now, her normal price is 11.11 dollars and she is posting topless with just her face on OnlyFans. She shares a note about PPV messages, that from her third week on OF, she started to send a bundle of video and several pics, twice a week for ten to fifteen dollars.
She aims to create a Fansly account, so that she has more platforms and to promote on TikTok and Instagram.
The feedback on her OF advice subreddit was enormously successful, with people marveling at the sheer volume of posts on Reddit that she makes without burnout. Consistently promoting yourself really seems to be the key. All of the verified OF creators on the subreddit concur that posting often on Reddit is important to promote their OnlyFans, even if it is just a few posts, but done consistently, is important.
As one OF creator put it, “it is all about efficient posting”. Scheduling posts in advance is key.
And a customer with five years experience on OF advises “to know your customer” and that for them, OF is for entertainment. He shares that being yourself, having charisma and engaging with subscribers by chatting, that way you keep your regular subscribers.
A recent post about whether people would want to date someone with an OnlyFans account had garnered a lot of attention and many replies. This is really about intimacy with someone who has an OnlyFans account.
The OnlyFans account, in question was made before they started dating and the point is that having an Onlyfans account means that in essence, you “are paid to engage with other people”. The creator is concerned with if her boyfriend is really as ok with her OF account, as he says that he is. She really cares for him and does not “want him to feel less than” as he is her only intimate.
The model shares the awkwardness between her boyfriend and her, when the subject is brought up. She tries to include him by asking him to join her in making content and he avoids the topic altogether. The response that her post garnered was mostly negative from men, as predicted. The only positive responses were from those that would only date an OnlyFans model casually and that is it.
As they are too concerned with reputation and that the internet is forever, and all that entails. Concerns with what their friends and families would think about their girlfriend doing OnlyFans and what their future kids would think, if they saw their mother exposed like that. Most respondents cited that there is no difference between her and a stripper, whom they would never date.
The responses that she received to her post about dating someone with an OnlyFans account displayed a lot of “traditional” opinions, with one response in particular noting that American men who are “more traditional, with a modern spin” would not like their girlfriend doing OnlyFans. Most agreed that is the case with men around the world, as they all would not like it.
Ultimately, her query is will he “take things further” with her? And the answer was a resounding NO, but an ok to casual dating. A few said that they would not mind if she remained faithful to them. Other replies noted the double standard that exists for men and women, with the same men who disparage women who are in the adult industry, are oftentimes married and patronage said women. The OnlyFans model notes that most of her subscribers are in fact married men or those in a committed relationship. So the double standard is definitely real. She cites how many times men have taken her as a hooker and that they even offered her money for intimacy, and she flatly refuses them and then they offer her more money.
Ultimately, the advice was that her OF does bother her boyfriend, and he just does not know how to broach the subject with her, without embarrassing her or ruining their relationship. And that the concern lies with him being “disrespected” by people seeing his girlfriend “sexualized for money”. Some of the responses from men who dated OnlyFans models, with a few being positive, were mostly negative.
They cited that the models weren’t capable of a serious relationship with men and are “desensitized to love.”